Urban Program Concept // 2019
The renovation of the Westside Pavilion transforms into a new Google Complex that holds transitional, mid-income, and high income housing, as well as an Equinox hotel with retail and cinema. An urban sprawl in the hectic streets of Los Angeles, the new Google Complex aims to bring Google closer to the public. In the megatower that hugs the corner of Westwood and Pico holds the Equinox hotel and Google office spaces that acts as a symbol of capitalism in Santa Monica. The program concept is to keep retail and office mixed along the urban intersections that both create an interaction between all users and a necessary buffer zone for housing of all levels. Low and mid-income housing is separated but connected with the same access to conference rooms and amenities. High incvome housing stems off of this structure, but as a tower for differentiation. It is distinct yet connected to foster interaction between residents but also make them feel comfortable. The urban concept is to have this gradation of activity
An urban exploration of fluid interaction and rigid buffer
Visualization - Northeast Perspective
The program concept is to keep retail and office mixed along the urban intersections that both create an interaction between all users and a necessary buffer zone for housing of all levels. Low and mid-income housing is separated but connected with the same access to conference rooms and amenities. High income housing stems off of this structure as a tower for diverse typologies within a single complex. It is distinct yet connected to foster interaction between residents but also make them feel comfortable. The urban concept is to have gradation of activity from the active streets with mall and public programs to the quieter privatized neighborhood areas.
Longitudinal Section
Floor Plan